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Archiv : Sieg in der Grand Prix Kür !
28.10.2012 19:36 (67683 x gelesen)

Zweiter Start -- zweiter Sieg  !


Nach dem Sieg im Grand Prix gestern,  konnte Diamantina unter Maree Thomkinson auch den " Grand Prix Freestyle "am heutigen Tag für sich entscheiden. 


Mit  69.450 %  ging der Sieg erneut  an Maree Tomkinson auf der von uns gezogenen erst 10-jährigen Stute.


Auszug aus dem Artikel in Eurodressage vom 28.10.2012:


Tomkinson Sweeps to Kur Victory at 2012 Australian Dressage Championships

Sun, 10/28/2012 - 17:18
Maree Tomkinson and Diamantina sweep to kur victory at the 2012 Australian Dressage Championships
Photo © Franz Venhaus
2012 Australian Dressage Championships

Last night was the 'Night of Freestyles' at the 2012 Australian Dressage Championships. Unfortunately, the number of spectators was slightly down on previous years. This was a shame as the spectators are integral in making the event viable. They add to the atmosphere, spend money in the trade village and more importantly they help spread the word about the world of dressage. In saying that, the evening was enjoyed by all and there were plenty of beautiful horses to keep us inspired.

The Grand Prix Freestyle CDI-W wasn't as surprising in regards to the placegetters. First place went to Maree Tomkinson on her incredibly popular mare, Diamantina IV, scoring 69.450. Second went to David Shoobridge on the very accurate, 00 Seven (69.150) and third went to Sheridyn Ashwood on the expressive stallion Prestige VDL (67.450). Fourth was Heath Ryan on Regardez Moi scoring 67.275.

One of the lovely things about the Freestyle competitions is that it is enjoyable to watch for people who are not necessarily involved or interested in the sport. Last night I invited my sister along who has never been to a dressage event in her life. She arrived late afternoon, browsed the trade village and found a couple of things for her two daughters and then thoroughly enjoyed the evening competitions. She was intrigued by the horses and surprised by the amount of spectators - it gave her a glimpse of a world she had no idea existed. I think she will be back next year. This is what we need to do - introduce new people to the sport (not necessarily in the saddle).

by Scott Pollock
Photo © Franz Venhaus


Ergebnisstabelle aus Eurodressage:


Grand Prix Kur to Music - CDI-W
Judges: Creed, Armando, Gribbons, Schwenessen, Hughes-Keen

  • 1. Maree Tomkinson - Diamantina - 69.450
  • 2. David Shoobridge - OO Seven - 69.150
  • 3. Sheridyn Ashwood - Prestige - 67.450
  • 4. Heath Ryan - Regardez Moi - 67.275
  • 5. Gitte Donvig - Port Said - 65.275
  • 6. Tor van den Berge - Fisherman's Friend - 65.050
  • 7. Kerry Mack - Mayfield Pzazz - 64.875
  • 8. Caroline Wagner - Tango V - 64.275
  • 9. Fiona McNaught - Ostra - 63.350
  • 10. Anjanette Harten - UQG Alladin - 61.800
  • 11. Jeremy Janjic - Django of Cacharel - 61.750
  • 12. Nadia Coghlan - Carlyle - 60.950
  • 13. Claire Seidl - Rolex - 60.825
  • 14. Susan Paix - Sheer Etiquette - 59.500
  • 15. Meaghan Willis - Roxbury Armistice - 58.950




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